Platinum Room
- Accommodates up to 100 people (depending on your setup)
- 1400 Sq Ft
- Custom floor plan for your event
- Access to shared warming kitchen (table space, cooler, microwave, warmer)
- Ample parking
- Includes tables and chairs
- Free Wi-Fi
- Complimentary bluetooth speaker available upon request
- Bar and bartender available upon request
- Outside catering allowed
- Day Time and Evening time slots. Day time events are between 12pm and 6pm, if available. Evening events are between 7pm and 1am, if available. *Minimum three hours.*
Platinum Rates
Sun-Thu: $150 per hour
Fri-Sat: $175 per hour
- Accommodates up to 125 people (depending on your setup)
- 1800 Sq Ft
- Custom floor plan for your event
- Access to private warming kitchen (table, cooler, microwave, warmer)
- Ample parking
- Includes tables and chairs
- Free Wi-Fi
- Complimentary bluetooth speaker available upon request
- Bar and bartender available upon request
- Outside catering allowed
- Day Time and Evening time slots. Day time events are between 12pm and 6pm, if available. Evening events are between 6pm and 1am, if available. *Minimum four hours.*
Paragon Rates
Sun-Thur: $175 per hour
Fri-Sat: $200 per hour
Diamond Room
- Accommodates up to 225 people (depending on your setup)
- 3500 Sq Ft
- Custom floor plan for your event
- Access to warming kitchen (table, cooler, microwave, warmer)
- Ample parking
- Includes tables and chairs
- Free Wi-Fi
- Complimentary bluetooth speaker available upon request
- Bar and bartender available upon request
- Outside catering allowed
- Day Time and Evening time slots. Day time events are held between 12pm and 6pm, if available. Evening events are held between 7pm and 1am, if available. *Minimum four hours.*
Diamond Rates
Sun-Thur $225 per hour
Fri-Sat: $250 per hour
Full Venue Rental
- Both Diamond and Platinum rooms
- All amenities above included
- The client would have exclusive use of both rooms
- Five hour minimum
Full Venue Rates
Sun-Thur: $375 per hour
Fri-Sat: $400 per hour
Repasts (Only)
Diamond Room: $200 per hour, any day
Bar Guarantee
Each room has the option to add the bar to the reservation. The cost of the bartender is covered. If the bar is included with your reservation, all drinks will be provided by The Atrium (this includes alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages). If the bar is not included with the reservation, only non alcoholic beverages are allowed. The bar will have a guarantee as follows:
Diamond Room $500 bar guarantee
Paragon Room $400 bar guarantee
Platinum Room $300 bar guarantee
The deposit for a room rental is $400. If you rent the full venue, the deposit is $600. Included in the deposit is a fully refundable $200 room security deposit (per room) and a $100 nonrefundable administrative fee. The $100 balance of the deposit goes toward your room rental.
Platinum Room
Platinum Room
Paragon Room​
Paragon Room​
Diamond Room
Diamond Room